Until the much-vaunted “signature of a trainer” can be recognized in a team we are often faced with an arduous and often lengthy path of mediation and communication in the constant coaching process. In coaching, one has a certain ideals and guiding ideas but does not really know how to convey these ideas and goals to the team in a sustainable way.
This is exactly where our Playbook should serve as a tool and orientation guide to get your thoughts into the head of your team during training and matches on the pitch.
Our basic idea to divide the playing field into certain areas and zones and to develop Commandments and automatisms with the help of our exercise and drills, should help your team recall agreed structures of action and thus to be always one step ahead of your opponent.
It is our main goal to present you with a practical and effective way of teaching the principles of the game with the ball. This will help you apply your tactical thoughts at the training ground and ultimately at the pitch on the weekend.